.css in your Xcode Project 🎍

Mansi Shah
If let swift = Programming!
2 min readMar 26, 2018


Yeah you read that right! So recently I had encountered this requirement where I was supposed to load HTML strings in a Web view in my iOS app with clickable links, and some custom font. So here’s how I 👩‍💻 it

Creating a .css file

⏩ Open Text Edit (Ensure you have ‘Make Plain Text’ selected under Format, or you might keep wondering how to save with .css extension)

⏩ Scribble down your css code that you would want to apply on your web view’s HTML string (In my case I wanted 2 types of fonts, some custom properties on links and an image instead of a bullet item, so below is what my css file looks like)

@font-face{font-family: 'Gotham-Book';src: local('Gotham-Book'),url('Gotham-Book.otf') format('opentype');}@font-face{font-family: 'Gotham-Medium';src: local('Gotham-Medium'),url('Gotham-Medium.otf') format('opentype');}a {color: #16A4FA;text-decoration: none;}li {margin: 0 0 0 -30px;padding: 10px 0 10px 40px;list-style: none;background-image: url('myImage.png');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: left top 8px;background-size: 30px;}

Here, Note that if you want some images to be loaded in your web view you will have to add them as a resource file in your project (It won’t load from your Assets.xcassets)

⏩ Save with .css extension🎍

Add .css in xcworkspace

It’s as easy as adding some resource file

⏩ Add your file by dragging it to your desired location, and copy items if needed

⏩ Ensure your file is present in the Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources list

Loading HTML string in your web view

I just made an extension (as usual) for WKWebview to load HTML strings

Ensure baseURL points your Bundle’s URL, for webview to find and load your css and images

And calling would be

/// webView is a WKWebView.webView.loadHTML(fromString: "yourHTMLStringGoesHere")

And I went from Left to Right

Working on WKWebView was interesting ☘ and when I saw my web view with custom fonts and this image in place of those regular bullet symbols 🙄, I re-watched my screen for like 3 to 4 times [we all do it sometimes, don’t we? 😌]

